Short story publication: Chrysopoeia

Be still, my heart!

Quantum Fairy Tales has published my short story ‘Chrysopoeia’! This is officially my first story publication of more than 600 words, so I’m super excited.

Read it here. A wee snippet from the middle:

When his alarm clock rang, Simon snapped awake with the word chrysopoeia running through his mind like a fleeing stag. Chrysopoeia: the transmutation of base elements into gold, his lifelong goal. In order to achieve chrysopoeia, he had to create a true philosopher’s stone, not just the unerringly delicious drink that he mixed several times a night.

It’s about an alchemist bartender. I originally wrote it in a more fairytale-like style ages ago, and because I started it before I knew anything about alchemy, the alchemical theory in it was utterly nonexistent. I rewrote it at the start of this summer, which included adding some “genuine” touches concerning alchemical theory and history, from the readings I’d been doing for my PhD application. I’m really proud of the story in its current published incarnation. (Code for: when I found out it got published just now, I jumped up and down yelling happy obscenities and poured myself another glass of wine.)

I hope you enjoy ‘Chrysopoeia’! Check out the rest of the Fall issue, too. It looks great.

Poetry sale to Stone Telling

My poem ‘Kuura (extract from a Finnish-English dictionary)’ will be published in a “new poets” issue of Stone Telling. Huzzah!

I’ve admired Stone Telling’s thoughtfully compiled and beautiful issues for a long time, so I’m thrilled to be part of this future issue. I’m also very glad that ‘Kuura’ has found a home; it’s part of a series of poetic definitions for Finnish words that either defy single-word definitions or are very strongly Finnish in nature.

Poetry sale to Strange Horizons

Seems that this week is all about publication news… My poem ‘Raw Honey’ will be appearing in Strange Horizons!

I’m extremely happy to see this poem find a home. It’s a mythic bedtime tale in poem form, written a couple of years ago. There’s something similar in the atmosphere of ‘Raw Honey’ to the other poem I’ve had published in SH (‘Wolf Daughter’). Finnish-folklore-inspired, but twisted into something secondary-world(ish). It’s all fodder for that speculative poetry collection I’ve got planned for the future. 🙂

SF flash piece ‘Wind Chimes’ up at 365 tomorrows

'space' by Sweetie187 on Flickr, licensed under CC BY 2.0
‘space’ by Sweetie187 on Flickr, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Well, then. Seems this week’s theme is flash fiction acceptances?

My <500-word piece 'Wind Chimes' is now up at 365 tomorrows (a project that’s given readers a new piece of SF/speculative flash fiction every day since 2005).

‘Wind Chimes’ is the featured story for today so it’s on the front page (yay!), but the story is archived here. Hope you enjoy it!

First story publication – in Finnish!

Exciting! A flash fiction piece of mine (‘Munankuorikehto’, meaning ‘Egg-Shell Cradle’) will be published in the upcoming issue (3/2014) of Spin, the quarterly magazine of the Turku Science Fiction Society (TSFS).

The magazine is print-only. Those of you proficient in Finnish can subscribe to the magazine, or order a separate copy when the issue comes out this autumn. 🙂

I’m very pleased by this news, but also amused by the fact that my “officially first” story publication is in the language I write less in! I should really write more in Finnish as well, although right now (as usual) my writerly focus is on my English-language work. Ah, bilingualism! I am very pleased I have two native languages to practise writing in, I have to say. Such different challenges in each. (A matter for a separate post, I think!)

‘Looking-Glass Lover’ free to read in Niteblade

I just noticed that Issue #28 of Niteblade has received enough funding that it’s fully free to read online.

So, if you haven’t done so already, off you go to read my poem ‘Looking-Glass Lover’ and the rest of the great poetry and prose in the issue!

I’m going out to enjoy the lovely warm weather – summer’s finally reached Finland. Plans for later today: submitting some poems and a story, and working on a poetry collection (exciting!).

‘Shrug Charm’ in Goblin Fruit for your reading pleasure

The Spring 2014 issue of Goblin Fruit is now live! Huzzah!

Read the issue here. It’s full of gorgeous poems – I’m very happy to be amongst such talented company. Wonderful art as always, too. I really love what Paula Friedlander’s done with the bold outlines and lush, 3D colourscapes.

Here’s my poem: ‘Shrug Charm’.

‘Shrug Charm’ was born a couple of years ago when I was working a rather dismal temp job. It was cold in the office and I was glad of the shawl/shrug thing I’d knitted. Sadly, the real-life knitted item is not as magical as in the poem. Then again, it did act as inspiration, it made words happen… so perhaps that yarn does have a magic to it, after all.

Niteblade #28 is now online!

Niteblade #28 is online here – titled after my poem 🙂

A snippet of my poem ‘Looking-Glass Lover’ is here. To get the whole issue free to read online, Niteblade relies on donations and purchases – so if you want to get the issue for everyone to read, consider buying yourself a super cheap .epub, .pdf or .mobi copy of the issue!

I’ll let you know when my poem is free to read in its entirety. But if you can’t wait, do get yourself a copy of the whole issue.

Poetry sales to Goblin Fruit

Some happy news: my poems ‘Shrug Charm’ and ‘Sorrow-stone’ will be published in the Spring and Summer issues of Goblin Fruit! I love Goblin Fruit – the issues are always gorgeous, well-thought-out and full of talented poets – so I’m pretty much over the moon to be published in such a lovely magazine.

I’ll post more about the poems (they both have quite distinct birth-moments) when the issues come out.