Sunday recs: sf/f poetry and discussion

I was down with the flu most of last week, so I’ve been too tired and braindead to work on any of my writing projects. Sad. Hopefully the coming week will be better in that respect! I should post here more than just for Sunday recs. But on weekdays, after work + writing/socialising/dance class/insert other […]

Sunday recs: Sf with a dash of fairytale

Happy Sunday, everyone. It’s a grey, mushy one over here, with something unpleasant falling from the sky (ugh, sleet, whyyyy) and the lovely snow turning to slush. I have to go out in a moment, into that mess, but before that – here are some recs again. First, the fairytale: Houdini’s Sister by Christine Hamm. […]

Sunday recs: anagrams etc.

Here’s a sundry bevy of recs: If Poets Wrote Poems Whose Titles Were Anagrams of Their Names. Some more here and here. I especially enjoyed Eliot, Dickinson, and William Carlos Williams. The WCW parody made me giggle out loud. 😀 Here are a couple of my favourite poems from February’s Snakeskin. Fat by Beccy Pert: […]

First publication of the year!

I woke up with aches and pains: it seems my neck and back did not appreciate yesterday’s shenanigans. But checking my email brought some lovely news: My poem Kinds of Truth is now online in the February issue (#193) of Snakeskin. It’s quite a recent poem, written in mid-December in the wee hours of the […]

Sunday recs

Here are three stories I’ve read and enjoyed recently: Selkie Stories Are for Losers, by Sofia Samatar: a gorgeous contemporary take on selkies. The Flying Woman, by Meghan McCarron: a delightful atmosphere, an aching and haunting story. And Their Lips Rang with the Sun, by Amal El-Mohtar: a lovely, poetic piece, strange in a good […]


Some links for this cold Sunday! Story rec: * Go and read Carmen Maria Machado’s amazing story Inventory at Strange Horizons. Note: it’s somewhat sexually explicit, just in case you want to read it at work or something. 😀 But a wonderful, gripping story. Stuff I’ve been meaning to link for the past age: * […]


Lately I’ve been remembering my dreams quite vividly. They’ve been strange and powerful dreams, too, some of them. Those often tend to turn into poetry or inspire stories, if they’re adventure dreams. My latest dreams have been poetry inspiration. I’ll have to see if I can get the very latest (today’s) into a good enough […]

Poetry experiment

Am on sick leave today because the wretched remnants of illness still lingered this morning. My New Year’s Eve was spent with a fever; I was so out of it that I was extremely content to be alone, and toasted the new year with a cup of peppermint tea. I’ve been under the weather ever […]

New things at the year’s end

I hope everyone has had a lovely relaxing holiday! I had a nice time: plenty of alone time combined with family. Alone time was spent eating leisurely breakfasts and writing my Finnish short story. …My short story which I’ve now sent off to the competition! I’m so pleased that I managed to get a story […]

Poetry in Chantarelle’s Notebook

My poem ‘October’s End’ is now online in issue 29 of Chantarelle’s Notebook: you can read it here. On the topic of poems online, a note on my poems in Snakeskin: the website went down for a while, and they’re still updating the archives. Hence the old links to my poems there don’t work. I’ll […]