The cutting pain

Cutting out characters is a terrible thing. And yet sometimes, it has to be done. This is one of the cruel truths of writing fiction. I finally started the proper edit/rewrite of my novel (DV for short) this weekend. I’m calling it the first draft, because really, my Nanowrimo efforts (from 2008 and 2011) made […]

Poetry sale: Strange Horizons

My poem ‘Wolf Daughter’ is forthcoming in Strange Horizons! I am bouncily happy about this. Strange Horizons is a wonderful publication that I really enjoy reading, and dude, my poem is going to be part of it! Also, this is officially both a) my first speculative fiction publication, and b) the first time I will […]

Synopsis breakthrough

I woke up this morning at 7am to my upstairs neighbours continuing the renovation they were supposed to have finished during the summer. I think it’s Deeply Wrong to do anything loud that early on a Saturday morning, and hence felt/feel extremely resentful. Grouch grouch. I reluctantly got up a little before 8, after heroically […]

Poetry by yours truly at Snakeskin

I’m extremely pleased(*) to announce that my poem ‘Blow’ has been accepted for the September issue of the poetry webzine Snakeskin. You can read my poem here. I haven’t had time to read the rest of the issue yet, but I look forward to it. I’m really happy that ‘Blow’ got accepted! It’s quite an […]

Delicious fruit

Goblin Fruit never fails to delight me. There are wonderful gems of poetry in each issue, and the Summer 2012 issue is no exception. I just finished making my way through the issue, and wanted to briefly blog about it – there are some really delicious poems there. The only poets I recognised were Sonya […]

First posts: such daunting creatures!

I’ve tried to start this post plenty of times, thinking: hey, how hard can it be? It’s just a first post on a writing blog that no one is reading yet. No one’s going to judge me based solely on this post (or maybe they will…!). And still it’s just that hard, for perfectionist, fearful […]