A little belatedly here on the blog (world news has been causing me a lot of anxiety and it’s been difficult to get things done) – but still giving me joy – my first poetry publication of the year: “The Queen, After” in Through the Gate. This tiny poem has dreams and foxes in it. […]
Sara Norja
2016 in review
What a year. It’s been a shitshow for the world, and my own country too: Finland’s current government is awful and seems to oppose pretty much all the things I hold important. The past autumn ended up being difficult for me on a personal level, too. Haven’t been that anxious and close to burnout for […]
Award Eligibility 2016
Award nomination season is upon us and I’ve had things published this year that I’m really proud of. I’d be honoured if anyone were to consider my work for nomination. I am also in my first year of elibigility for the Campbell Award. So, with less self-deprecation than in the past couple of years, here […]
Poetry sales!
I’ve been lacking in the blog posting again: November’s swallowed me up a bit with PhD writing and working on the novel. (Which progresses, although far slower than I’d like. General exhaustion is catching up with me, it seems. But I’m plodding along even if I’ve no energy for sprinting!) I’ve had little extra energy […]
Novel revision: My process so far
I’ve been meaning to write this post for ages, and I feel a bit frustrated that I didn’t manage to do it earlier. It would’ve been more interesting to get posts from various stages of the revision process. I’ve kept a project diary of sorts in my notebooks, but it’s not the same as a […]
Sunday recs: Issue 10 of inkscrawl
Longlong time no recs. I’ve been wandering the fields of exhaustion; the novel project is still ongoing, and I’ve got far too many other things heaped on my plate as well (work, of course, is the main thing). The novel progresses; but I’m annoyed at myself for being slower with it than I expected, annoyed […]
“Bird People” out in Remixt
The first volume of the exciting magazine Remixt is now out! The volume consists of nine small issues curated by different editors drawing from the same submissions pool. It was thus possible for a poem to be picked for more than one issue. Interestingly, there isn’t that much overlap! You can read more about this […]
New poem “Taboo” in Strange Horizons
My poem “Taboo” is up in this week’s issue of Strange Horizons! Read it here! As the northern days lengthen our time together is thread-thin It’s about fairytale taboos and transformation, set in a mythological-Finland-ish world. In fact, it’s the same world where my previous Strange Horizons poems are set (“Wolf Daughter” and “Raw Honey”), […]
Alphabet of Embers contributor copy
I’ve been quiet on the blog front, but for a pretty good reason, I think: all through August, I’ve been hard at work revising my novel. I’ll post more on that later, but for now, a bit of squee! Last week I received my contributor copy of An Alphabet of Embers. My reaction: It is […]
“Creation” out in Flash Fiction Online
I’m happy to announce that my flash piece “Creation” is now out in the August issue of Flash Fiction Online. You can read it here: Creation It’s a story of Faerie, with an emphasis on language and Welsh things. I’ve visited the Welsh castle referred to in “Creation” myself, a few times: it’s a majestic […]