Sunday recs

I probably should’ve spent this evening recovering from a busy three-day medieval studies conference and a day of active exploring. Instead, I submitted poetry to quite a few places. Not very restful, but useful – I’ve been lax with submitting poetry, or anything really, the past month. * My recs for tonight: Myrrha by Mari […]

Sunday recs: Fairytales

Three fairytale-tinged recs for you tonight. First, two tales from Daily Science Fiction, new takes on traditional tales, from points of view forgotten in the originals: Beans and Lies by Mari Ness: an incisive super-short piece with a proper punch at the end. Toadwords by Nathaniel Lee: a tale that really made me think about […]

Tweet tweet: @suchwanderings

Aaand a wee announcement: I am finally on Twitter now as suchwanderings. I’ve procrastinated over getting a Twitter account for well over a year because I’ve been afraid it’ll swallow up all my time… but the writing conversations over there are so interesting, and it seems like a great way to keep up with all […]

Spec poetry article at Bookslut

Bookslut has an article on speculative poetry by Sessily Watt, featuring a review of Stone Telling 11. (The existence of this piece was kindly pointed out to me by Carrie Naughton. Thanks, Carrie!) I was pretty much over the moon when I saw that the article includes a discussion of my poem “Kuura (extract from […]

“Palimpsest” in March issue of Snakeskin

Nice poetry news for this grey Monday: my poem “Palimpsest” is in the March issue of Snakeskin. Read it here! I wrote “Palimpsest” in August 2013, during a poem-a-day week (which I enjoy doing occasionally, especially with my friend Kat). I do love comparing textual/manuscript things to emotions and such intangible things.

“The Ruin” in Luna Station Quarterly

First actual publication of 2015 – my short story “The Ruin” is now up in Issue 21 of Luna Station Quarterly. Read it here! I’m especially pleased that this story has been published, because it’s set in a forest world I’ve been developing for a while. As I think I mentioned here before, my poem […]

Poetry sale to inkscrawl

First sale of 2015 – my poem “Betweening” will appear in issue 8 of the lovely magazine inkscrawl. Yay! I’ve loved the concept and content of inkscrawl for ages, so it’s fantastic to be a contributer too.

Writing, submitting and perseverance

Tonight I’m feeling inspired by Rose Lemberg’s great essay (originally published as tweets) on perseverance and the editorial process. Rose talks about the importance of not self-rejecting your work, and of daring to submit, and re-submit to a publication that’s rejected your work before. The whole essay is very much worth a read for any […]

Drive-by Sunday recs

It’s technically not Sunday any more here, but I haven’t gone to bed yet, so this totally counts. Three poems I’ve loved lately: Entwined ‘Neath Stars and Empty Suns by Merc Rustad (in Liminality): A romantic, visionary space opera. Great stuff. I want more space opera poetry! Red Daughter by Alena Sullivan (in Goblin Fruit): […]

Sunday recs: owls, fragments, pockets

Just wrote a ~3,000-word story in two hours, yay! With some editing, I think this will be fine for submitting to Lightspeed’s Queers Destroy Science Fiction! special issue. It’s been so long since I came up with a story idea and actually wrote it in this short a time – I got the idea last […]